What is a podcast and how to do it

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Digital media have grown exponentially in recent years. Technological development has favored the creation of new media on the Internet, competing on different platforms against traditional media such as radio, television, and print media. In this sense, the podcast has gained a lot of ground due to the comforts it offers in its service.

More and more radio programs and other online content in audio format are offered through podcasts. Users have increased their consumption of this format due to its availability. To understand what a podcast is and how to do it, its history, and the advantages it offers. We recommend that you continue reading this article.

What is a podcast and what is it for?

A podcast is an audio content that is available to all users through a file or streaming. The great advantage it offers over the radio is its on-demand format since the user can listen to it at any time, that is, whenever they want.

You can listen to a podcast on different devices, a factor that has helped increase its popularity. Generally. It addresses some specific theme or issue to build a highly loyal audience.

Currently, society accumulates great stress due to daily tasks, work schedules, and the work-life balance. This does not help in the time available to consume interesting content. To the arrival of the podcast is a solution to this problem: It takes advantage of the time available and helps increase daily productivity.

You just need to press play to listen to the content anywhere: in the car, at the gym, while you work, when you take the bus, or during lunch.

How to make a podcast

Here are the fundamentals of how to make a podcast:

  • Define the objectives: any project that starts without establishing clear objectives is bound to fail. Therefore, you must define them together with the rest of the team in charge of making the podcast. With this strategy, you will broaden the reach of your brand and show the market the experience you have on the subject dealt with in the content offered.
  • Determining the buyer persona: specifying the audience to which you want to direct the content offered in your podcast is essential to define the format, the selected topics, the guests, and the tone of the program. Once you have it defined, you can develop some verification mechanisms to find out if the podcast is taking the right direction. Thus delivering more attractive content to listeners.
  • Type of podcast and identity: the chosen format, whether through interviews, debates, or any other option, is part of the success of the content. In the same way, you should study different referent topics dealt with in similar programs to deliver better-prepared content to listeners, creating a brand identity.
  • Creation of the name: the name of the podcast must convey a broad message about its content, have a simple pronunciation, and be easily remembered.
  • Figuring out your logo: First you need to understand what type of graphic resource you would want for your show: geometric, illustration, or abstract, for example. The logo creation process must be executed correctly since the final result will be part of the podcast’s visual identity strategy. Get inspired by looking for other references. If the content is more casual, you can go for a fancy logo, and if it’s a formal show. The neatness of the logo will have a better effect on listeners finding the podcast.
  • Specify the duration and frequency of the podcast by answering the following questions: what is best for you? Will you have guests to interview every week? Do you have enough resources to record the program weekly?
  • Script structure: you must prepare it before the recording of the podcast. It will allow you to better capture the ideas of the content. Organize the topics to be discussed during the program, and optimize time by eliminating long introductions. And facilitate communication with the audience, opening a space to resolve doubts in case of interacting live.

What is the story of the podcast?

The creation of podcasts dates back to 2004. At that time it was a technological innovation to facilitate the deferred broadcast of programs to radio stations. Stations could post them on the Internet and listeners downloaded them at their convenience.

The term podcast was coined by journalist Ben Hammersley of The Guardian newspaper. It is the contraction of the iPod. And broadcast with the intention of reflecting both characteristics. In 2012, Apple incorporated an original podcast application into its smartphones. Representing a revolution and one of the main reasons for the rise of this format. Since it allowed radio listeners to access their favorite programs at their convenience.

This innovation by Apple and programs of great cultural interest such as Serial, launched in 2014 by an independent radio team in the United States online investigative journalism. The podcast has grown in communicative consumption to currently become a great alternative . to other traditional content formats.


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