how to check who is using my wifi online

How to check who is using my wifi online

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Public WiFi networks are becoming more common. But are they safe? As a rule, no. Can a public WiFi network be used, even if it is not secure? The answer is yes, taking the proper precautions. A few months ago we were surprised with a 7-year-old girl who had hacked the WiFi in a cafeteria in 11 minutes. It is necessary to know how to check who is using my wifi online. Through this guideline, you can control your wifi connection easily. 

How to check who is using my wifi online

how to check who is using my wifi online

When analyzing your network with your mobile, Fing is your best alternative. On its website, you will find links to Google Play and the App Store. Its biggest advantage is that it is extremely easy to use application. You just have to install it, execute it, and as soon as you open it, it will do everything for itself.

Fing will scan the network to which your mobile is connected without having to ask for it, and as soon as it does it will show you all with the names, IP addresses, manufacturers and MAC codes of the connected devices. Still, to know if there are intruders in your network all you need is the name and manufacturer of each device.

What you have to do now is identify each of the devices that are connected to know if they are yours. Remember that not only your mobiles or computers are going to come out, since your router, connected printers or your Chromecast will appear in the list. So do not go crazy if you see too many pots, surely all will be yours.

A little trick to get out of any doubt is to disconnect and reconnect each of your devices to see them disappear and appear in the application. If there is a device, especially if it is a mobile or PC, which you see is not yours, you may have detected the invader.

Protect yourself


Protect yourself in a public WiFi network

If you have read the complete article, you will surely have found the key to protect yourself in a free Wi-Fi network. In effect, everything revolves around encryption. The web, the app or the Internet service should always send encrypted information. If it is not, anyone who enters the network can spy on it. So:

  • Update your device, programs, and operating system to the maximum to plug security holes
  • Always use antivirus and anti-malware software
  • Do not use the same password for different services
  • Do not automatically connect to public networks. Some are created precisely to spy on you. Enter only networks you know
  • Make sure you enter the official network, and not an evil clone. If the official network is called Aeropuerto_Barcelona, do not enter a one called Aeropuerto_Barna, it may be false
  • When you finish using a service, log out (log out)

Make sure that the encryption is maintained throughout the session of use, not only when you identify yourself.

hack free WiFi

Is it that easy to hack free WiFi?

The problem with this type of network is not its technology, but the fact that it is a public network. This means that you do not have an access password, or if it exists, anyone can ask for it to the museum, cafeteria or airport that offers the service. And that includes a hacker who wants to steal information. If a malicious hacker is inside the WiFi network, the only thing that separates him from the data of other users is the encryption of the connection. But public WiFi networks are rarely encrypted, and many services or websites are not, so spying is as simple as tuning a radio: information travels through the air, and anyone with sniffer- type software can intercept it.

To verify this, we will see how a person without knowledge of hacking can obtain information from a public Wi-Fi network, or from a private WiFi network of which you know the keys. Public WiFi networks are useful, if you know their weaknesses and know how to protect against them. We hope that this article has helped you to achieve it.

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