SEO mistakes

Know the 7 main SEO mistakes that you should avoid

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Do you have a good SEO strategy for your business? Discover in this post the main SEO mistakes that you should avoid!

In the digital marketing strategy of any brand, one of the most mentioned terms is SEO. The fact is that being well worked can help your website appear in the coveted top of Google searches.

On the other hand, if you neglect it, you can condemn your website to digital oblivion, preventing any possible client from finding your business.

Thinking about that, in this post, we made a list of the 7 main SEO mistakes that you should avoid to be successful in your digital marketing strategies.


What is SEO?

Basically, SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization or, in Spanish, Optimization for Search Mechanisms. Corresponds to a series of techniques aimed at improving Web pages and blogs with the aim of making them more easily searchable, such as Google.

SEO strategies are essential for web pages to be seen and stand out. At the end of the day, users use the search mechanisms to find information, products and services that meet their needs.

In this way, appearing well in those searches means increasing the chances of achieving more online recognition and, consequently, selling more and better.

But why appear on the front pages of Google is so important?

The truth is that most people are limited only to the results of the first page of their searches, being in that place means appearing for as many users as possible.

The idea of ​​well-applied SEO strategies is, then, to increase the organic traffic of your website.

In other words, it is to make people find your page more easily, without needing to resort to paying to advertise.

In the long term, a well-done SEO ensures the constant flow of users to your website without having to pay to advertise.

What are the 7 main SEO mistakes that you should avoid in your SEO strategy?

SEO mistakes

Now that you know why SEO is fundamental to your page or website, it is necessary to pay attention to some crucial points of your strategy.

Incurring certain errors can make the construction of a good SEO fail and also cause severe sanctions by Google.

And those penalties can mean, for your website, a real ghost for the search mechanisms. If it is already difficult to be in the first pages of Google, imagine doing it with a penalty that throws you to the twentieth page or worse!

Thinking about that, we show you the 7 main SEO mistakes that you should avoid at all costs in your SEO strategy. Follow us!

1. Low-quality content

Throughout the years, Google’s algorithm developed to such an extent that today it is able to interpret, even, the quality of the published content.

This means that posts or pages with irrelevant information for the subject treated in your website, few written words or lack of illustrative images are classified as low-quality content.

Therefore, be very careful with the structure of your text. Try to make it as complete and as rich in information as possible. Also, do not forget the images and the organization of titles and subtitles.

2. Copied content

Its better having low-quality content on your page than having already published content. The search mechanisms may consider a text as such, in the following situations:

  • Content copied from other websites or pages;
  • Duplicate content on your own website.

In the first case, the penalty is usually more severe, because Google identifies that you plagiarized other content already published in other pages.

That being the case, it is not worth filling your website with news already published hoping that with that you will have more access.

The second case is already very common and occurs when more than one path leads to the same page.

This may be the result of some problems in the code of your website, which should be revised and corrected to avoid misinterpretation of the search mechanisms.

3. Lack of optimization in the structure of the website

Optimized or responsive websites tend to receive better scores in the Google ranking, resulting in better search positions.

In general, an optimized website is a fast site, with the shortest possible loading time. This is achieved, mainly, using images optimized for the web.

Another point that counts for Google is the optimization for mobile devices, such as cell phones and tablets, that is, responsive websites.

Currently, most of the Internet access is done with these devices, so having a site ready to see it with mobile phones counts a lot for a good place in the ranking.

4. Absence of links

One of the great champions in the list of major SEO mistakes is the lack of internal and external links.

This problem causes a negative classification in the search mechanisms, to the extent that it is one of the most significant criteria of Google to consider content relevant.

Try to include hyperlinks that direct to pages within your own site and for external pages that have to do with your post. This is one of the most important steps for any SEO checklist!

5. Choose inappropriate keywords

Keyword planning is another crucial point of SEO strategies. If you want Google to find your website, you need to think about the terms that people would use to get to you, right?

In this sense, planning and choosing good keywords is an important part of building a website with optimized content.

Keep in mind the need to converge the search terms of your clients with the services that your business offers and, obviously, with the respective content in your post.

6. Lack of concern with the meta-description

The meta-description is the short summary that appears below everything in any search result on Google. She is fundamental to the search mechanism and mainly to influence the user to click on your link.

Always think about developing a clear meta-description that contains terms and keywords relevant to the topic. Thus, you can indicate, already in the list of results, that your link is relevant and that the user must access it.

7. Outdated content

The old blogs usually have good access content, but with publications of years and, surely, outdated information. For Google’s robot, that’s a problem, as it gives priority to newer content, considering it more relevant.

To avoid this situation, it is enough to identify which are the texts that attract the most traffic to your web page and analyze again everything that is written there. If it is necessary to update the information, do not hesitate to do so!

Betting on a good SEO strategy guarantees greater visibility and, consequently, increases the chances of converting users into customers.

Therefore, be very careful and always observe the main SEO mistakes that we describe in this post!

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