Causes of Damp in the Home and How to Treat it

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Damp is not something that you want in your home. As well as being unpleasant to look at, it is also very bad for your health and of course damaging to your property, so it is something that you need to deal with straight away if you notice it in your home.

Damp is caused by excessive moisture and depending on the type of damp you have and the cause of it can be found in many different areas. The first thing that you need to do when you notice that you have damp in your property is to find out what the cause of it is and then you will be able to deal with it. Different types of damp and mould will need to be treated differently.

Rising damp is something that comes up from the ground, so will be found lower down in your home, and starts right at the bottom. Signs include a tide of brownish stains on the walls downstairs, rotting skirting boards damaged by the damp and also paint and wallpaper being damaged.

Rising damp needs to be treated by a professional and they will usually use a special cream which is injected into the walls. Bear in mind that areas that are damaged such as skirting boards or plaster will also need to be replaced.

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Condensation is another common problem and often comes from too much moisture within the home itself. It can cause black mould, which is very bad to breathe in, so you must deal with this quickly if you find it. It can be caused in damper areas of the home which don’t get enough ventilation, such as kitchens and bathrooms, and can also be caused by old and faulty windows.

It needs to be removed with fungicide and to keep it away reduce the moisture levels in the house by using a dehumidifier and making sure that the rooms are well ventilated. If you have problems with the windows that are causing it, get them replaced by a professional like this double glazing Cardiff based company

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If you notice damp patches in areas higher up the wall then you may have ret rot or penetrating damp. Patches of damp which is coming through the wall is usually a sign of this, and you need to get a professional to treat it for you as they will also be able to identify the cause and help you to prevent it from happening in future.

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