Maintaining a Clean and Tidy Workplace
A workplace needs to be kept as clean as possible; however this can be difficult at times. When there are lots of people all working together, inevitably sometimes things can slip and it is easy for clutter and dust to build up, and for certain areas to be neglected when it comes to cleanliness.
Having a professional like this contract cleaning services Gloucester based company Into Cleaning come and clean the workplace on a regular basis is certainly a good way to stay on top of it, but it is also something that everyone in the workplace should be aware of and play their own part in to help keep the place clean and tidy.
In addition to making it a more pleasant environment for everyone to work in, a clean and tidy office also gives a more professional impression to visitors and reduces the risk of illness spreading around, which can cause big problems if lots of people are off sick at any one time.
Here are some of the things that everyone can do in the office to help maintain high standards and keep the workplace pleasant for everyone…
Declutter Regularly – Clutter can build up quickly, and as well as looking bad, it can also mean that important things can go missing and cause a drop in productivity. Having a regular declutter helps to keep things tidy and organised, ensuring that everything is in its rightful place.
Clutter can also present safety issues too – for example, if things are stacked too high and have become jumbled, or there are things being stored in walkways that shouldn’t be there, this could be a potential accident waiting to happen.
Have Rules Around Food – Many people eat in the office, and whether they bring food in from home or prepare food in the office kitchen, food needs to be taken care of in the office. Ensure that everyone is responsible for clearing up any mess that they leave in the kitchen, and if possible, have a space where people can eat so that they are not having to eat at their desks.
Have a Rota – Even if you have a cleaner that comes in, having a rota for staff to help keep standards high is a good idea and means that you can stay on top of any issues. Doing things like cleaning regularly touched places and emptying bins when needed will keep hygiene standards high.
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