Beginner knitting tips that improve your results

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Life as a knitting beginner can be frustrating. Your fingers are not used to moving in the correct way and it can be hard to place the yarn in the right place at the right tension; however, with just a few minor adjustments, you can make great progress.

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Knitting is good for you

According to the New York Times, knitting can have significant benefits for your mental and physical health. It lowers the heart rate and blood pressure and leads to a reduction in the stress hormone called cortisol; however, you need to get past that initial learning curve first.

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Don’t worry too much about loose stitches

Getting consistent tension throughout the project is always challenging for beginners. Even if you are using a knitting kit from a specialist such as, you may find that you have the odd ladder or loose stitch. These can be fixed after you have finished, so don’t get too upset by them. All you have to do is pull out the loose yarn and spread it evenly around the other stitches. Start by using your needle to pull the loose stitch tight and share out the excess yarn on either side, one stitch at a time.

Try not to twist your yarn
All yarn is twisted to some extent during the manufacturing process. Some yarns are twisted more than others and have a different appearance when you knit with them; however, some knitting beginners can add a twist without meaning to. This often happens when you wind yarn cakes (yarn wound into a ‘cake’ shape with a flat top and bottom) and can make your project look very irregular. Avoid this by winding your yarn into a ball or using a yarn bowl.

Avoid complicated stitches
If you have not yet mastered complicated stitches, avoid them by knitting from the wrong side. This works best if you have a lot of complicated stitch rows to complete. Always change the direction of your needle in the middle of a row, not at the end.

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