How to free up space on android internal memory

How to free up space on android internal memory?

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Do you always have the MB around your neck? Does your phone quickly run out of space? How to free up space on android internal memory? With these applications you can free it: useful and 100% secure. The mobiles have been increasing their storage progressively until we find 64 GB as a standard measure in the mid-range. This ability allows an appropriate use of Android, but those who have to suffer smartphones with fairer storage must hurry the MB to the maximum in order to update the system, applications or to download new apps.

How to free up space on android internal memory?

Few solutions exist to be limited by the space of the phone beyond renewing the phone or relying on an SD card to extend the storage of the device or use it to store music and videos. A third solution is to use the appropriate apps to reduce the space consumed by the smartphone ; earning with it in storage. Of course, you have to be very careful with these apps because many abuse the permissions or, directly, end up taking up more space than they would have to release.

For the task at hand we have chosen our preferred applications to free space in Android . If you did not know them it’s time to give them a chance, even if you have extra storage in your device: you never know when you’ll have to use them.

Google Files

Google Files

It is our header application and the first we recommend to free space on any smartphone with Android. It is universal, 100% secure, it does not abuse the permissions and it will not only remove you from worries with storage limitations, you will also get a good set of tools in return. As the option to share any file with your friends , be it photos, videos or applications.

With Google Files you will have several tips to free space on your mobile. Without effort and in a safe way since you will always confirm the steps; and Files will explain what files are to be deleted and what is the application that saved them. Junk files, all the multimedia elements that are committed to saving WhatsApp … Files is an application almost mandatory in any mobile. And without advertising or purchases within the application, of course.

Google Photos

Google Photos

One of the elements that occupies more space in any smartphone are the photos, also the videos. Since we save tons of multimedia content created by ourselves, and that content takes up a lot, removing it allows you to free storage. Although that yes, always in a safe way since we do not want you to run out of your memories immortalized in image.

With Google Photos you can not only delete image files that you do not want to keep (screenshots, for example), you can also have your own backup in the cloud to eliminate all the videos and photos of the mobile without losing anything . Storage in Google Photos is unlimited if you use your high quality upload, so you do not have to worry about anything. It is one of our key recommendations.

Norton Clean

Are you looking for an application that, in addition to freeing space by deleting files, also allows you to empty other elements, such as cache memory or heavy applications? Norton Clean is our recommendation. It is a safe, powerful and very useful app for the task we are looking for, so you do not run out of storage on your smartphone.

Norton Clean

Norton Clean is extremely simple to use since, as soon as you start it, it will tell you the amount of ” junk files ” that you can remove along with the space that you are going to save. You can also uninstall applications and optimize memory, all safely and without advertising.

Norton clean requires:

With the three previous apps you have more than enough to free space in your Android, but you do not need applications for the task: you can get it manually and with common sense. Of course, have several considerations:

Never trust the applications that promise to free space . There are many apps that abuse the confidence of users to steal personal data and flood advertising, so never trust them. The ones we have proposed in this article are safe and will serve you well for what you are looking for.

Find the liberator of your mobile space . There are many brands that have a space release service, such as Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, Honor. Search in your mobile settings, under “Storage”. You can also come an installed app or find the option under “Care of the device”.

Eliminate applications that you do not use and “just in case”. It is something very obvious, but it is convenient to reiterate it: do not have mercy with the apps and games that you do not use, also with all the applications that you keep in case some day you need them. You will free up a lot of space and, if you have to use them, you only need to download them again.

Frequently clean the photo folder of WhatsApp, Telegram … Messenger applications keep everything sent to you, so imagine the “garbage” that can accumulate there. Emptying the folder where photos and videos are stored is a good way to free up space.

Use an SD card if your phone is compatible . Move the photo gallery to the SD so that the camera stores all the captures there, it also moves the series, movies and music that you usually play inside a folder in the SD. You will save a lot of space.

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